June 29th, 2023

Almost forgot today. I think part of the reason why is just me updating the conlang page- really the only truly "productive" thing I've done today. But now pretty much everything in the Google Doc is there besides the lexicon and sample sentences. Other things that happened today include me finally beating R8-8 in Arknights (an absolute PITA stage imo) and getting Dark Souls 3 during the Steam sale. I haven't played it yet, but I likely will at some point in the near future (like tonight maybe).

Also, if anyone reading this has any thoughts on the conlang, please let me know. My account is much older than a week now so I can actually respond to comments left by people. Idk how much people really look at the things here, though I can see that people at least look at any updates the site has. I'm not demanding that you leave a comment or anything, you don't have to do a thing, I'm just saying that if you have comments on the conlang (or honestly any other aspect of the site tbh) then I'm more than welcoming of them. Probably won't ask for comments again in the future, but they're always welcome.